Saturday, August 18, 2007

5:30 More or Less

In a passing time one afternoon with the nudging gravity of the radiant moon affecting my musings like high tide...

this afternoon
I am at the beach
on a rock
in knee deep waters
with the bright lit moon
above me in a blue sky
turning indigo
with purple hues and clusters
of white-gray clouds
floating by


None said...
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None said...

Thanks for the return-visit and your kind words.

I love your poetry!

Greetings from The Netherlands,
Chia Mimi

Ric Vil Hori said...

thanks for appreciating, your blogsite of poetry w/ music is very interesting I say :)

Simon said...

Nice poem! I like it.

TOMAS said...

Wow, I too feel myself the same while writing to you. Thank you for your words that have conveyed the beauty of the nature heals and comforts and inspire us all.

Ric Vil Hori said...

thank you people, it's nice to share these with beings...